Prof. Kristofer Reyes ([email protected] |

This course introduces students to the interconnected techniques to model, learn, and control dynamic materials systems. We present these methods with the nominal motivation of experimental design: selecting experiments to run to build up a training data set or achieve a scientific objective. More broadly, however, we shall develop a toolbox of advanced algorithmic techniques to solve problems in dynamics, inference, sampling, control, and optimization.

MDI 508 S24 Syllabus

Supplemental Notes

MDI508.S24 Cheat Sheet

MDI508.S24 Supplemental Notes: Module 1

Meet the Robots

Homework Sets

MDI508.S24 Homework 0: Preliminaries

MDI508.S24 Homework 1: Modules 1 & 2

MDI508.S24 Homework 2: Modules 3 & 4

MDI508.S24 Homework 2: Modules 5 & 6